LBHS 106

The Pupil Voice

Council roles give pupils an opportunity to develop self-confidence, communication and problem solving skills.

The best councillors are kind, patient and observant; they speak up for people who may be too shy to make their own voice heard; they are good listeners who will respect the views of others and represent fairly the feelings of all their classmates.

Charity Council

The Charity Council is an elected body of pupils who meet on a regular basis to discuss and agree upon the charitable work of the School. We support certain charities annually and within the Council meetings there is also scope to discuss and adopt new charitable initiatives. The councillors are required to assist with the planning, publication and logistics of each charitable event. 

Eco Council

We elect our new Eco councillors at the beginning of the year and have regular meetings to discuss how to make our school even more eco friendly. The whole school enjoys taking part in different events such as 'Switch-off Fortnight' and 'Waste Week', supported by a variety of assemblies. We have held competitions to develop a new Eco code in school and continually promote the importance of looking after our environment.

Food Council

The Food Council gives pupils the opportunity to meet each half term with the Bursar and the Chef Manager, to discuss areas such as aspects of service, menu choices, sustainability and food sourcing. Sometimes pupils even have the opportunity to sample new foods but at the very least, they enjoy a breakfast treat to fuel discussions!

School Council

Our School Council illustrates democracy in action for all our pupils, by giving them a collective voice and an opportunity to make a real difference to the way they experience school life.  We meet half termly, under the guidance of an adult and a Prep 6 prefect representative, to discuss ideas and problems raised by children in different classes or to fulfil special duties asked of us by the school, such as drafting our Anti-Bullying Charter. Council members are then responsible for carrying out any suggestions that have been agreed during a meeting, including taking issues to the relevant member of staff.